Michigan Legacy PAC’s Got Their Back: Another Round of Support for Democracy Defenders Announced

PAC Continues Commitment to Democracy Advocates through Latest Round of Candidate Support

MICHIGAN – Today, Jocelyn Benson announced the endorsement and financial backing of five additional champions of democracy in the Great Lakes State. State Representatives Joey Andrews, Jaime Churches, Carol Glanville, Denise Mentzer and Nate Shannon have earned the endorsement and financial support of the Michigan Legacy PAC, underscoring their dedication to strengthening democratic values in the state.

Benson announced the latest round of support, stating, “Michigan continues to set the standard for pro-democracy initiatives, and these state lawmakers have played a pivotal role in making these reforms a reality. Each of these democracy defenders has actively supported legislation facilitating the pre-registration of 16 and 17-year-olds, advocated for enhanced government transparency, and championed funding for early voting, addressing critical election needs. The Michigan Legacy PAC remains steadfast in its dedication to endorsing those who align with our mission to safeguard democracy in Michigan.”

Michigan Legacy PAC continues its unwavering commitment to supporting pro-democracy candidates at every level of government in Michigan. Through the cultivation of a strong network of democracy advocates statewide, the PAC seeks to enhance and strengthen Michigan’s democratic foundation.


Michigan Legacy PAC announces year-end fundraising, contribution numbers; finishes 2023 with over $1m cash on hand


Michigan Legacy PAC Gives Thanks, Supports Advocates for Democracy